5180510  12073651  11300816  9674210  1023667  8293710  10476095  3734078  4113170  6329816

Prof. Daniela Dasheva, D.Sc.

Faculty of Sport
Deapartment of Theory of Sport Training
Theory and methods of sport training
Phone: +359 2 4014 327 / room 437
Mobile: +359 898 77 65 95
Home address:

Day and place of birth: Born on 01.10.1961

Education and career


1983 - Graduated at the Higher Institute of Physical Education “Georgi Dimitrov”, Teachers’ Faculty as a teacher of physical education and basketball coach

1991 – Defended a Ph.D. thesis

1994-1995 Accomplished Master’s Degree in Physical Education and Sport Psychology at the Catholic University of Leuven, Belgium

2004 – Defended a D.Sc. thesis on Sports Training and Adaptation in Extreme conditions at the NSA

Since 2006 Full professor of Theory and Methodology of Training at the National Sports Academy


1983-1984 Basketball coach in a Sport club, Botevgrad (Bulgaria)

1984-1987 Teacher in a secondary school, Kostenetz (Bulgaria)

1991-1994 Lecturer at the Higher Institute of Physical Education, Mostaganem (Algeria)

Since 1995 Teaching and researching activities, National Sports Academy, Sofia

Since 2001 Chief of Department Theory and Methodology of Training, National Sports Academy, Sofia

Since 2007 Vice-rector of International relations and European Integration, National Sports Academy, Sofia

Pedagogical activity


Professor of Theory and Methodology of Sports Training, delivering lectures to students form all academic degrees – Bachelor, Master, and Doctoral.

Supervisor of more than 15 Ph.D. students.

Participation in study programs development. Significant number of public lectures and presentations on sport and social life delivered in Bulgaria and abroad.

Guest speaker at the Mexico Olympic Committee and Guatemala Olympic Committee.

Guest lecturer at universities in Serbia, France, Macedonia.

Publications, books, guidances


1. Dasheva, D., Y.Vanden Auweele, Ph. Godin. Questionnaires measuring sources, manifestations of anxiety and coping strategies / A French Adaptation/. IX th European Congress on Sport Psyhology, Brussels, Belgium, 4-9 july, 1995 (en English).

2. Petkova, L., D. Dasheva. The introduction of the new master’s degree in the National Sports Academy. 4th Biennial Forum of the ENSSHE: Bridging the Network”, London, 13-17 September 1997.

3. Boychev, Kl., D. Dasheva. Individual Factors in talent selection of swimmers. IX FINA Word Sport Medicine Congress, Athens, 27 September - October 1, 1995, Greece (en English).

4. Dasheva, D. , B. Tzolov. The management of sport in Bulgaria and some problems around it. Congress of the Republic of Macedonian. Sport and Physiological Education, Skopje, October 17-18. Ñï. Ôèçè÷åñêà êóëòóðà, áð.1-2, 1997, 114-115.

5. B. Tzolov, D.Dasheva. Nine questions for state and management of Bulgarian sport. In. “Personality, Motivation, Sport”, v. 3, 1997, pp.121-126 (en Bulgarian).

6. Mileva, E., D. Dasheva. The process of commercialization in the contemporary Olympic sport and its influence on the competitive moral and ethics. Congress of the Republic of Macedonian. Sport and Physiological Education, Skopje, 17-18 October. Ñï. Ôèçè÷åñêà êóëòóðà, áð.1-2, 1997, 93-94 (en English).

7. Dasheva, D. The relationship between basketball coach’s stress perception, reaction and coping strategies and the athletes behavior. IX World Congress of Sport Psychology, Israel, July 5-9, 1997.

8. Petkova, L., D. Dasheva. The introduction of the new master’s degree in the National Sports Academy. 4th Biennial Forum of the ENSSHE: Bridging the Network”, London, 13-17 September 1997.

9. Dasheva, D. Aspectos teórico-practicos de las cargas de entrenamiento extremas en deporte de elite. Revista de entrenamiento deportivo. Tomo XII, No 4, 1998 (en Spanish).

10. Bonov, P., A. Slavtschev, D. Dacheva. Correlazione tra velocità della corsa ed accumulo di lattato nei capillari sanguigni in corridori de fondo e mezzofondo. Atleticstudi, vol. 30, No 2, 1999 (en Italian).

11. Bonov, P., D. Dasheva. A Study of the Multiparametric characteristics of the Athletic condition and Top Forma in middle distance running (Men and Women). 4th Annual congress of the European college of Sport Science, Rome, 14-15 July 1999.

12. Hadjiev, N., D. Dasheva, P.Bonov. Stress, Adaptation and performance. Fourth International Scientific Congress “ Olympic Sports and Sport for All: Health, Sports Medicine, Rehabilitation and Recreation, Kiev, May 16-19, 2000, Ukraine.

13. Hadjiev, N. D.Dasheva. Sport, Stress, Adaptation (Methodology and Perspectives). Science in Olympic Sport, 2, 2000, pp.109-115 (en Russian).

14. Jelyazkov, Tz., D.Dasheva. Training and Adaptation in sport. Xerox, 2001 (en English).

15. Bonov, P., D.Dacheva. Planning and organisation in muscle preparation for long distance and middle distance running. In: AEFA, December 2001, 58-63 (en English).

16. Zhelyazkov Tz., D. Dasheva, Kr. Tzarov. Factors of the competitive effectiveness with top-level basketball teams. 3td International Scientific Conference& Kinesiology: New Perspectives, Opatja, Croatia, 2002, 257-260.

17. Dasheva, D. Training and Adaptation in non-standard conditions. Bins, Sofia, 2004 (en Bulgarian).

18. Jelyazkov, Tz., D.Dasheva. Fundamentals of Sport Training. GeraArt, 2002. (en Bulgarian)

19. Dasheva, D. et al. Training at Altitude (Current trends). Sofia, 2007 (en English).

20. Dasheva, D., Djobova, S., Velinova, V., Gergova, A., Mutafova, J., New aspect of the social integration of youngsters with hearing disorders through sport. 9th International sport sciences Congress, Mugla, Turkey, November 2006

21. Tzvetkov, St, P.Bonov, D.Dasheva. Problems in determinations of the Ventilatory Threshold based on the Respiratory exchange ration in high–level athletes. Facta Universitatis. Series Physical education and Sport. Vol.6, No 2, 2008, pp.115-125 (en English).


Member of numerous organizations in the field of sport science: National Scientific Association Stress, Sport, Adaptation, European Network of Sports Sciences, International Federation of Physical Education /FIEP/, Euroscience.

Member of the Preparatory Commission of the Bulgarian Olympic Committee.

Participation in a large number of national and international scientific congresses, conferences and workshops as well as in the European Programme of Tempus for the introduction of the Master’s programmes to the NSA curriculum.
Lecturer at international seminars in Mexico, Guatemala and Spain

Project manager of European projects, joint actions, intensive programmes and thematic networks under EC initiatives with the participation of the NSA. Institutional coordinator of the LLL/Erasmus mobility programme. Manager of intensive programme for Training and Coaching in Elite Sport – jointly with University Paris 12, France.

Proficient user in several languages: French, Spanish, English and Russian.