4189896  1357869  9508512  1727564  6238916  12324692  2383523  3829782  4637042  3017539

Deapartment of Theory of the Physical Education

Department leader
Associate Professor Kornelia Naydenova int. +359 2 4014262  email:


The theory of physical education is a scientific discipline, which studies and generalizes the scientific knowledge and the general objective laws of physical education as an organized pedagogic process. The historical retrospection shows that the first teacher of the first class, author of the first methodical manual of theory and methods of physical education in the Higher school for physical culture of the time was Kiril Petrov. In 1946-47 a teacher of methods of physical education was appointed Dimitar Grigorov, who received his higher education in the USA. As a long time football coach he successfully combines the theoretical problems of physical education with the sport-pedagogic practice, The teachers from the sport-pedagogic departments Anna Mircheva, Olga Hristova and others join the educational work in the schools. In 1948 Tsanka Toteva(Drajeva) joins as young assistant of Theory and methods of physical education, graduate of our Higher school.


Opportune years for the developing of the scientific and methodic level of the education work were the mid 50-s, when in help of the department’s team come the prominent Soviet specialist Kuzmina Ksenia Alexeevna (1953-54 school year) and the appointed as teachers in the department Nedialka Mateeva and Dimitar Drajev, who graduated in Moscow.


The first Head of the department is Anna Mircheva (1952) and later Dimitar Drajev. From 1959 the department is lead by Asen Geshev, from 1972 – by prof. Petko Sterev and from 1977 – by prof. Krum Rachev.


After 1960 new young teachers join the department; teachers with willingness for creative work, who had passed the practice of our own school – Veselina Alipieva, Maria Kvartirnikova, David Davidov, Mitka Markova and Ivan Mangarov. This research team wrote the first textbook of the Theory and methods of physical education, which was translated in Spanish for the needs of the Cuban Institute for Physical Culture.


Looking back we can not miss to mention the year 1972, when the department’s team joined prof. Petko Sterev, Petar Hristozkov, Krum Rachev, Boris Marinov, Lusien Petrov and Veselin Stoev.


In different years in the period 1985 – 2000 the department’s team joined eight new teachers: Stanislav Mavrudiev, Vladimir Chernev, Karolina Lazarova, Elena Nikolova, Tsveta Dimitrova, Nedialka Mavrudieva, Kamelia Konstantinova and Boianka Peneva, who continue to work.


During the 60 years period since the establishment of the department, 31 teachers worked in it. From them four professors, thirteen associated professors, nine head assistants, two chief assistants and one assistant. Two are D.Sc. and seventeen – Ph.D.


After Kamelia Konstantinova won the competition for assistant of “Sport for disabled people” in 1999, a new section to the department was established. Its main work directions are: physical education in the specialized schools; sport rehabilitation and high sport mastership. The start of this section is hopeful.


The evaluation of the specialists for the realization of our personnel during this continued period is that the department won recognition as a center of research work and knowledge in the areas of physical culture, physical education, youth sport, public health physical culture and other area and specialized directions in the common theory of physical education.


It won’t be far-fetched to say that during the greater part of this period the department became the developing section of training and methodic materials for the needs of the educational system. Our teachers are participants and in many cases – leaders of the school programs developments.


The amount and effectiveness of the department’s work in the areas of the research and applied activities are proven by the developed and published by the teachers over 2000 research reports and articles, the defended over 70 doctor’s degrees, as well as a great number of students diploma projects for bachelor’s and master’s degrees.


Significant part of the department’s activities holds the pedagogic practices of the students. The section pedagogic practices of the students of the department, and later – of the Academy (leader Boianka Georgieva) has deep traditions and rich experience.


We also want to note the significant contribution of the department for the realization of the plan tasks of the Center of post-graduate qualification of NSA. Our department is one of the first in the Academy, which turned to this form of education.


Recently passed the habilitation of Elena Nikolova, Dr. and Boianka Peneva, Ph.D. Head assistant Stanislav Mavrudiev defended his doctor’s degree and Kamelia Konstatinova waits for approval from the Higher Attestation Committee. Head assistant Vladimir Chernev works seriously on his doctor’s thesis.


Obviously the department’s teacher’s staff raises its qualification constantly.

“Theory of physical education” department
includes three school disciplines:

     - “Theory and methods of physical education
     - "Movable games
Adapted physical activity

The teacher’s staff of the department consists of two associated professors, five head assistants and one chief assistant. One full-time post-graduate student is taken on the staff. The department is supported by one technical assistant.

Management of the department:


Head of department: Elena Nikolova, Ph.D.

Deputy of education work: head ass. Stanislav Mavrudiev, Ph.D.

Deputy of research work: head ass. Vladimir Chernev.



1. Elena Nikolova, Ph.D.

2. Bioanka Peneva, Ph.D.

3. head ass. Stanislav Mavrudiev, Ph.D.

4. head ass. Karolina Lazarova, Ph.D.

5. head ass. Vladimir Chernev

6. head ass. Tsveta Dimitrova

7. post-graduate students Liubomir Borisov.


1. head ass. Nedialka Mavrudieva.


1. chief ass. Kamelia Konstantinova.

The educative work of the department is conducted mainly with lections, seminars, running pedagogic practice and before-diploma pedagogic practice. The syllabus of the department is confronted to the modern requirements for the forming of skilled workers in the area of physical culture in the three educational-qualification degrees: bachelor, master and doctor.