Complex Indoor sport facilities

The complex Indoor Sports Facilities (ISF) is connected to the main building of the Academy. Almost all of the sports halls of NSA are located in the ISF: the main sports hall of the Academy,two gymnastics sports halls,one acrobatics sports hall, bascketball and volleyball halls, one indoor track-and-field athletics track, one choreography hall, wrestling, weightlifting, fencing, judo, karate-do,rowing and taekuon-do sports halls
Photos can be found here.
The following facilities are also located in the ISF :

Ground Floor

Garage, motor sports section, warehouses, workshops (carpenter`s workshop, mechanic`s workshop, electromechanical workshop and others), auditoriums.

1st Floor

Dressing-rooms and baths for the students, masage rooms,a psychology consulting room,a gymnastics halls, a student`s cafe-club, dressing-rooms and baths for the lecturers, administrative and sports facilities.

2nd Floor

Offices of bascketball, volleytball and handball coaches, the central warehouse of the Academy.
