1. Apparatus for Surface Electromyography BTS FREEEMG 300, a product of BTS Bioengineering, includes both hardware and software.
• Determination of activation and deactivation of the investigated muscles.
• Determination of intermuscular coordination.
• Frequency analysis of the signals.
• Observation and analysis of muscle fatigue.
• Determination of time characteristics – normalization, averaging, determining cycles, stages, etc.
• Determination of quantities such as maximum, average, and minimum muscle capacity, muscle tension values (µV, mV), etc.
• 8 sensors for measuring muscle activity, each weighing 13 grams.
• The sensors communicate wirelessly with recording devices.
• The mobility of the system allows for both direct connection to a computer in laboratory conditions and a mobile system, enabling the athlete to perform activities regardless of distance from the computer.
• The compactness of the measurement probes allows for the examination of two muscles in close proximity without influencing each other, thanks to the technology used for measuring muscle contractions.
• The hardware and software allow for other working devices to be in close proximity without affecting the performance or data transfer.
2. Apparatus for Analyzing Body Movements
• Analysis of body movements as a whole:
• Catapult and GPSport - inertial measurement devices with built-in GPS receivers. – high-tech apparatus for establishing movements through 100Hz accelerometers and 15Hz GPS with an accuracy of up to 2cm in space. It can track every change in direction, acceleration, speed, and heart rate of the individual being studied with high precision. Possibility to personalize zones based on speed, pulse, load, and monitor them in both training and competitive stages. Possibility to synchronize multiple devices (for team sports) for data analysis and spatial movements (tactical tasks), as well as real-time tracking of all parameters and movements.
• BTS G-Jump and BTS G-walk – inertial measurement devices without built-in GPS with pre-defined protocols for jump efficiency – speed-strength qualities of the lower limbs, gait analysis, running analysis (only on a treadmill), and various clinical-oriented protocols.
• Analysis of movements divided by body segments
• Noraxon Myo Motion (USA) – a system for tracking and analyzing movements of body segments with an accuracy of up to 0.02 degrees. It can track all angular characteristics and spatial-temporal characteristics in all degrees of freedom for specific segments or joints.
• COMETA MiniWave Motion - a system for tracking and analyzing movements of body segments underwater. The apparatus allows for the tracking of spatial-temporal characteristics, angular parameters, and others while practicing sports in water.
3. Video Analysis Software
• DARTFISH TEAM PRO Data – video processing software capable of producing video signals from almost all video sources, both in real time and from recordings. It can create educational video clips with corresponding parameters from the analyzed signals. It also allows synchronization of external data arrays and their processing.
• Noraxon MyoVideo (USA) – video processing software for fully automated tracking of markers placed on the body of the subject. It enables the tracking of spatial-temporal, angular, and other parameters depending on the requirements of the study.
4. Apparatus for Tensiometry
• Noraxon MyoForce (USA) - a tensometric platform with accompanying software for processing forces applied to the platform. Synchronized with the MyoMotion and MyoVideo modules, it allows for detailed biomechanical analysis of movements, applied forces, their directions, static stability, and fluctuations during the execution of specific movements.
• Tensiometric sensors – a system for tracking and analyzing forces applied during certain motor actions. It can measure tension and/or pressure forces with a frequency of 100 Hz.
5. Height Training Simulation System HIGHER PEAK (USA)
• Creation of artificial hypoxia corresponding to altitudes of 1000 to 7000 meters by proportionally reducing the concentration of oxygen in the inhaled air.
• Conducting training in normobaric hypoxic conditions and individually dosing physical load.
• Conducting hypoxic stimulations at rest as a means of pre-acclimatization for high-altitude expeditions.
• Monitoring oxygen saturation of peripheral blood (saturation) and heart rate during training (using pulse monitors and pulse oximeters).
• Compatible with various brands and types of ergometers, making them accessible to athletes from different sports.
6. Gas Analysis System MetaMax 3B-R2 (Germany)
7. Body Composition Analysis Device In Body 230 (South Korea)
8. Concept II Rowing Ergometer (USA)
9. Treadmill H/P/Cosmos (Germany)
10. Bicycle Ergometer Monark, 894 E (Sweden)
11. Lactate Analyzers Lactat Pro 2 (Japan)