6751239  3491311  2647486  5049967  442674  2198091  4488042  2765387  7764811  11521524

Deapartment of Anatomy and Biomechanics

Department leader
Associate Professor Ivan M. Ivanov int. +359 2 4014233  email:
Anatomy and biomechanics

The “Anatomy and biomechanics” department is one of the fundamental ones in NSA. The discipline “Anatomy” exists as part of the “Health sciences” department ever since the establishment of the State higher school for physical education in 1942. With the structural changes in 1953 the “Anatomy” discipline is differentiated in an independent department. Some remarkable teachers and scientists work in the department: prof. Kadanov, prof. Galabov, prof. Kosev, Todorov, head ass. Ilia  Stoianov. The active period of the enlargement and recognition of the department is connected to its long time leader Prof. Dr. Spiridon Morov. At the end of the 60s with the development of sport science, a new section is differentiated as part of the department – “Biomechanics”.  Its representatives are Todorov, Ph.D.; Bogdanov, Ph.D. and later prof. Ivanov. With the development of computer science and in keeping with the European trends in education, in 1987 the informatics is introduced as a new discipline, and later it differentiates as an independent section.


Educative work:

The department participated in the preparation of specialists in sport, physical education, kinesitherapy, tourism and sport animation, adapted physical activities for bachelor degree and also in all programs for master degree. It also has specialized modules for the doctor’s degree: “Medical-biological problems”, “Modern trends and problems of the applied science”, “Pedagogical, social and psychological problems of the school physical education and sport” and “Mathematical methods of scientific developments and analyses”.


Research work:

The research work of the department is characterized with internal discipline and usage of the most recent methods and resources for registration and processing of data, for analysis and shaping of movements. The functional anatomy, biomechanics and information technologies are organically bound, which allows the profound and deep analysis of movements and problems of adaptation to physical loadings.