5090622  940530  4432982  608425  12295066  9513461  8642940  5925358  9555863  5969786

Rhythmic gymnastics

Leader: Prof. Ph.D. Giurka Gantcheva

Teachers: Prof. Giurka Gantcheva, Ph.D. | Associate Professor Maria Gateva, Ph.D. | Chief assistant Daniela Velcheva, Ph.D.

News Gymnasts History Coaches

Information for the students (girls)

1. The students are required to attend the rhythmic gymnastics sessions wearing appropriate training outfit, specified by the Gymnastics Department, the teacher and the members of the group;
2. In order to receive credits on the Rhythmic Gymnastics Program, the students are required to attend all practice sessions or, in case of absence, to attend extra classes and to pass an examination successfully;
3. The continuous assessment of the students’ practical skills and knowledge of terminology is completed in the
13 session.

In order to have her studies on the Rhythmic Gymnastics Course recognized each student is required to receive credits distributed as shown in Table 3 for intramural students and in Table 4 for extramural students.

Examination procedures and assessment

1. The assessment system does not allow credits if the final results are poor;
2. The final result is formed in figure value from 2 to 6 and the criterion is the practical skills of the students;
3. To facilitate the examination procedure for the students, they can participate in the competitions organized by the Gymnastics Department in December and April or to prepare a rhythmic gymnastics composition compulsory for all the students in the group.

The final result in Rhythmic Gymnastics is formed as following:

TF – the mean value of the grades on the performances of compositions with and without an apparatus and on the teaching practice at an examination lesson during the term.

TF - the mean value of the grades on the compositions with and without an apparatus.

Table 3
Distribution of rhythmic gymnastics classes and examination requirements for the Teachers’ Faculty – intramural studies




Number of classes

TF Number of classes

Examination requirements






CF – semester registration


26+4 lectures

26+8 lectures

TF – semester registration (TM for the separate components of a lesson


CF/Tsemester registration


Table 4
Distribution of rhythmic gymnastics classes and examination requirements for the Teachers’ Faculty – extramural studies




Number of classes

Examination requirements




14+2 lectures

TF semester registration


14+2 lectures

TF – semester registration -

(TM on separate components of a lesson)


Literature (on bulgarian language)

  1. Атанасова, Цв., Т. Шишкова, Художествена гимнастика, София, 1989
  2. Кечеджиева, Л., М. Ванкова, М. Чиприянова, Обучиние детей художественной гимнастике, Ф и С., М., 1985
  3. Лисицкая, Т., Художественная гимнастика, Ф и С, М., 1982
  4. Лисицкая, Т., Хореография в гимнастике, Ф и С,М., 1984
  5. Хаджиев, Н., Гимнастика – учебник, МФ, София, 1979
  6. Berra, M., La gymnastique rytmique sportive, Toulouse. Milan, 1995
  7. Bobo, M., Gimnasia ritmica deportiva. La Coruna, LEA1998
  8. Bodo, Schmidt., Gymnastique ritmique sportive. Vigot Editions. Paris. 1986
  9. Fernandez, A., Gimnasia ritmica deportiva. Madrid.
  10. Nedialcova, G., D. Barros, ABC da gymnastica, Roi de Janeiro, 2000.
  11. Laffranchi, B., Gimnastica ritmica UNOPAR, Londrina, 2001.
  12. Mendizabal, S., I. Mendizabal, Gimnasia ritmica. Gymnos. Madrid. 1983