
The academic library is an independent subsidiary section, which serves the educational, scientific and cultural activities in the Academy.
The main goals of the academic library are:

    • Supplying the educational, scientific, and cultural activity in the Academy with information
    • Realization of scientific studies in the field of informatics
    • Realization of international book exchange.


The Academic library consists of one central library and other branch libraries. The central library manages the organizational and methodical management of the other libraries. The conditions and order of using the branch libraries are defined by the manager of the Academic library according with the managers of the subsidiary sections.


Ar. 68. The administrative functions of the Academic library are assigned to :

    • The library council 
    • The chief librarian

The Library council
The library council consists of 5 members, chosen by the Academic council:

    • Annually discusses the condition of the library funds and considers measures aimed to enrich and secure them;
    • Organizes collaboration with other libraries;
    • Carries out other activities concerning the work of the Academic library.

The chairman of the library council is the Vice-Rector of the scientific research activities.

Chief Librarian 
The chief librarian manages and represents the Academic library. The chief librarian :

    • Is organizing and controlling the execution of the resolutions of the library council and controlling the current management of the library;
    • Presents to the Academy Council the annual report for the activity of the library;
    • Carries out other functions provided by the law and the interior regulations of the Academy and manages other problems concerning the management of the library.

Interior rules

The organization of the activity and the order in the Academic library are controlled by a statute book, created by the Library council and approved by the Academic council.


Nadejda Arsova - Chief librarian
tel. +3592 40 14 399

Radoslava Stoimenova - Librarian
Tel. +3592 40 14 384

Janeta Georgieva - Librarian
+3592 40 14 399

Maya Stoyanova -Library branch at Gurguliat str.
Tel. +3592 40 14 430


The information in the library is being managed by the CDS ISIS software system provided with an advanced search engine. All the computers in the library are connected in LAN (Local Area Network) which provides the ability for the users to use all of the provided resources. The library information will soon be based on the Internet.